Consumer Protection in Florida

Consumer protection in Florida refers to the laws and regulations designed to safeguard the rights and interests of consumers within the state. The goal is to ensure fair business practices, protect consumers from fraud and deceptive practices, and provide avenues for seeking recourse in case of consumer-related issues.

Florida Deceptive and Unfair Trade Practices Act (FDUTPA)

The FDUTPA is a state law that prohibits unfair and deceptive trade practices. It covers a broad range of activities, including false advertising, misrepresentation, unfair business practices, and deceptive sales tactics. The law allows consumers to take legal action against businesses that engage in such practices.

Lemon Law

Florida has a Lemon Law that provides protection to consumers who purchase or lease new or demonstrator motor vehicles with substantial defects that cannot be repaired after a reasonable number of attempts. The law allows consumers to seek remedies, such as a replacement vehicle or a refund.

Price Gouging

During declared states of emergency, Florida prohibits price gouging, which involves charging excessive prices for essential goods and services, such as food, water, fuel, lodging, and repairs. Price gouging is considered an unfair and deceptive trade practice, and violators can face penalties.

Telemarketing and Do-Not-Call List

Florida has laws regulating telemarketing activities and protecting consumers from unwanted calls. The state maintains a Do-Not-Call List that consumers can join to restrict telemarketing calls. Telemarketers must comply with specific requirements, including restrictions on calling hours and identification disclosure.

Home Solicitation Sales

Florida has laws that protect consumers in home solicitation sales, also known as door-to-door sales. These laws provide consumers with the right to cancel certain contracts within a specified period, usually three days, after the sale.

Debt Collection Practices

Florida regulates debt collection practices to prevent abusive and harassing behavior by debt collectors. The state has laws that define prohibited practices, establish debt collection agency registration requirements, and grant consumers the right to dispute debts and request verification.

Identity Theft

Florida has laws addressing identity theft, which involves the fraudulent use of someone’s personal information for financial gain. The state provides remedies for victims of identity theft and imposes penalties on individuals who engage in such illegal activities.

Consumer Contracts and Warranties

Florida has laws governing consumer contracts and warranties. These laws set requirements for the content of contracts, disclosure of terms, warranty provisions, and the resolution of disputes related to consumer transactions.

Consumer Complaints and Enforcement

In Florida, consumers can file complaints with the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) or the Florida Attorney General’s Office. These agencies investigate consumer complaints, take enforcement actions against violators of consumer protection laws, and provide educational resources for consumers.


Consumer Protection in Florida